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Sara Jones

Finalist No. 4

Sara Jones




Trinidad and Tobago​​​


Support Worker


ABOUT SARA Sara’s natural sense of care has left a trail across many aspects of the nursing and catering industry from providing professional hospitality to voluntarily nursing, curing and nurturing the elderly, the young and now unapologetically aspires to be a voice, beacon and embodiment of creativity to a demographic on the horizon. Away from her profession as a care-giver Sara spends her free time cultivating hobbies that allow her to expand upon other aspects of creativity; from travelling, to journaling and cosmetic demonstrations. As an up coming recording artist and model, Sara ventures towards an exposure that will allow her to elevate from fostering the few to fostering as many, as well as help foster a dream wherein fashion wears many faces.

"The People's Champion" award is sponsored by:

Design Essentials logo

To vote SARA JONES as your favourite Miss Caribbean UK 2024

The Finalists with the most public votes will be presented with the “The People’s Champion” crown and sash and a gift basket filled with Design Essentials products will be presented during the Grand Final. 


MCUK 2024 Photoshoot

Sunday 30th June 2024


Photography by:


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