Complaints Procedure
All matters relating to the actions of individuals carrying out duties and responsibilities in any of Miss Caribbean UK’s events and the application of Miss Caribbean UK’s policies and procedures where they affect delegates, volunteers, staff and sponsors, except matters which are subject to separate procedures which allow for the airing of the complainant’s concerns.
We are committed to providing high-quality services to everyone associated with Miss Caribbean UK Limited. When something goes wrong, we need you to tell us about it. This will help us to improve our standards.
If you have a complaint, please contact us with the details. We plan to consider your complaint within eight weeks of its receipt.
Many concerns can be resolved by simple clarification or the provision of information and it is anticipated that most complaints will be resolved by this informal stage. An unreasonable refusal to attempt an informal resolution may result in the procedure being terminated forthwith.
Where it is evident that an informal stage is unlikely to result in any resolution, Miss Caribbean UK Limited will proceed forthwith to consider the complaint formally.
An anonymous complaint may not be investigated under this procedure unless there are exceptional circumstances.
The procedure for dealing with complaints that are or become vexatious or abusive may be terminated at any time and there will be no right of further recourse to the procedure in respect of that complaint.
To allow for a proper investigation, complaints should be brought to the attention of the Director of the specific event being staged by Miss Caribbean UK Limited as soon as possible. Any matter raised more than 3 months after the event being complained of is unlikely to be considered.
Investigation of any single complaint will normally begin within a week of receipt of the same. Holidays will not count for these purposes, or for the purposes of any other period referred to below.
The complexity and volume of some complaints may also affect the periods referred to below.
We will send you a letter or email acknowledging receipt of your complaint within seven days of receiving it, enclosing a copy of this procedure.
We will then investigate your complaint. This will normally involve passing your complaint to an individual chosen by us to review and investigate your complaint and, where relevant, speak to the person who is acting for you.
The Appointed Investigator may then invite you to a meeting or telephone conversation to discuss and hopefully resolve your complaint. S/he will do this within 21 days of sending you the acknowledgement letter.
Within seven days of this meeting or telephone conversation, the Appointed Investigator will write to you to confirm what took place and any solutions s/he has agreed with you.
If you do not want a meeting or it is not possible, the Appointed Investigator will send you a detailed written reply to your complaint, including his/her suggestions for resolving the matter, within 21 days of sending you the acknowledgement letter.
At this stage, if you are still not satisfied with the manner in which the process has been followed or considers that the decision of the Appointed Investigator is perverse or that s/he has acted unreasonably in considering the complaint, then the complainant may request that Miss Caribbean UK Limited convene a Review Panel to hear the complainant’s complaint.
Any such request should be made in writing within 14 days of receiving notice of the outcome from the Appointed Investigator and should include all supporting documents and a statement specifying any perceived failures.
The Review Panel will consist of at least one person who was not directly involved in the matters detailed in the complaint. This person can be someone who is independent of the management and running of Miss Caribbean UK Limited.
Within a week of receipt of the materials from the complainant instituting the review, Miss Caribbean UK Limited will copy to all members of the Panel the materials submitted by the complainant.
The complainant may be accompanied by a suitable person, subject to the discretion of the Review Panel. Any other person or persons complained about, may also attend and may each be accompanied by a suitable person.
The review panel will receive further oral and if appropriate written representations from the complainant. At an appropriate point the panel will receive representations from the person or persons complained about. The panel will seek to ensure that the hearing is fair to all parties.
The panel will give its decision in writing and may make findings and recommendations. Any decision shall be by a majority and if necessary the chair of the Panel shall have a casting vote.
The written decision should be sent within three days of the hearing. The complainant, the Governing Body of Miss Caribbean UK Limited and where (and to the extent) relevant any person complained about, shall be sent a copy of the decision. The letter shall not communicate whether the decision was unanimous or not. The complainant will not be informed of any disciplinary/capability action against any person.
This will complete the complaints procedure. – January 2025
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